
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The name "Christmas" comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life.

Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. The Roman Catholic Church chose this day to mark Jesus' birthday. However, no one actually knows the exact date Jesus was born.

Christmas has become a worldwide cultural holiday and is often celebrated by non-Christians alike. For example, in Mumbai, a large number of Catholic people live there and celebrate Christmas with a lot of enthusiasm and fervor. They wear new dresses, visit church, light a candle, and then attend midnight parties.

There is some uncertainty about the precise date and origin of the tradition of the Christmas tree. However, it appears that fir trees decorated with apples were first known in Strasbourg in 1605. The first use of candles on such trees was recorded by a Silesian duchess in 1611.

The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world. Centuries before the arrival of the man called Jesus, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many people rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.

The end of December was a perfect time for celebration in most areas of Europe. At that time of year, most cattle were slaughtered so they would not have to be fed during the winter. For many, it was the only time of year when they had a supply of fresh meat. In addition, most wine and beer made during the year was finally fermented and ready for drinking.

'A Christmas Carol'
Also around this time, English author Charles Dickens created the classic holiday tale, A Christmas Carol. The story’s message the importance of charity and goodwill towards all humankind struck a powerful chord in the United States and England and showed members of Victorian society the benefits of celebrating the holiday.

The family was also becoming less disciplined and more sensitive to the emotional needs of children during the early 1800s. Christmas provided families with a day when they could lavish attention and gifts on their children without appearing to “spoil” them.


Spread the joy this Christmas! 🎄✨ Wishing you festive moments and delightful discoveries at Desicart. Merry Christmas!

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