About Us
www.Desicart.co.uk came with the passion to offer ethnic, high-quality Indian and English grocery items at competitive prices, which will not only make you want to buy from us but also stay with us as a regular customer.
All this delivered to your door saving you the much needed and valuable time.
The founders are passionate about offering and promoting products that encourage a healthy lifestyle. We are also committed to offering first class customer service whilst maintaining a competitive price point. We do this by supplier selection and robust supply chain. Having said all this, we are a start-up and are very new to the market. We are still fine-tuning the process and making changes every step of the way as we learn from the lessons.
All this delivered to your door saving you the much needed and valuable time.
The founders are passionate about offering and promoting products that encourage a healthy lifestyle. We are also committed to offering first class customer service whilst maintaining a competitive price point. We do this by supplier selection and robust supply chain. Having said all this, we are a start-up and are very new to the market. We are still fine-tuning the process and making changes every step of the way as we learn from the lessons.